What is the Healthcare Leadership Model?
The Healthcare Leadership Model is designed to help people develop as leaders by discovering and exploring their behaviours.
The Model is made up of nine dimensions outlined below, each contains a description of what it is and why is it important. There are a series of questions to guide peoples thoughts and result in effective leadership behaviour. The questions can also help people to explore intentions, motivations and where strengths and development areas may lie.
Who is the Model for?
For all clinical and non-clinical leaders or those aspiring to their first leadership role
Inspiring shared purpose

Curious about how to improve services and patient care and behaving in a way that reflects the principles and values of the NHS
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Leading with care

Understanding the unique qualities and needs of a team and providing a caring, safe environment to enable everyone to do their jobs effectively
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Evaluating information

Seeking out varied information to generate new ideas and make effective plans for improvement or change
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Connecting our service

Understanding how health and social care services fit together and how different people, teams or organisations interconnect and interact
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Sharing the vision

Communicating a compelling and credible vision of the future in a way that makes it feel achievable and exciting
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Engaging the team

Involving individuals and demonstrating that their contributions and ideas are valued and important for delivering outcomes and improvements
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Holding to account

Agreeing clear performance goals and quality indicators. Supporting individuals and teams to take responsibility for results and providing balanced feedback
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Developing capability

Building capability to enable people to meet future challenges. Using a range of experiences as a vehicle for individual and organisational learning
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Influencing for results

Using interpersonal and organisational understanding to persuade and build collaboration
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Once you’ve explored the nine dimensions you may want to undertake the free self-assessment tool, 360 degree feedback tool or free Healthcare Leadership Model App.
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