

Eligibility for systems or places

We will work with you as a system to nominate small (minimum: 6 people) pan-sector teams or sets, drawn from different parts of the NHS, local government, public health, the voluntary and community sectors, education, housing, sport and leisure etc. (With up to a maximum of 5 teams across each ICS – approximately 40 people in total).

These teams may be new or drawn from existing groups and teams within an ICS footprint. A full listing of the eligibility criteria is available here:

  • Having a ‘wicked’ or complex issue, that is relevant to the ICS and linked to a specific priority area for the system (this could be part of a local recovery plan), where progress requires cross-sector collaboration. The ‘wicked issue’ will:
    1.  Offer identifiable gains for the work across local citizens and communities.
    2. Teams have considered the ways in which they demonstrate a commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, both in tackling their wicked issue and in identifying the team. Be real, current and important. That is, leaders in different parts of the system are likely to be working on the issue, and will benefit from external support.
    3. Call for new ways of working to achieve measurable improvements in health and wellbeing within one or more local communities within the ICS.
  • Teams are able to demonstrate how they have obtained or would ensure patient/citizen/community involvement from the outset.
  • Teams are able to describe anticipated gains for collaborative system leadership/system-wide working for the ICS.
  • Teams can show explicit support from senior stakeholders across the system (i.e. not just from the NHS) for the work, and the commitment of sufficiently senior participants from across different sectors to undertake the work. 
  • Teams are drawn from multiple organisations, levels of seniority and functions within the system.
  • Team members are committed to the work during and beyond the programme of support and evidence a commitment to sharing the learning, both across the ICS and more broadly.
  • A commitment to allow participants sufficient time to obtain the support and deliver the work. 
  • We would suggest a minimum of six participants in a learning set as smaller groups may struggle to gain traction for the changes they are looking to embed.