Support for NHS partner organisations

Support for NHS partner organisations

At the Leadership Academy, many of our programmes, tools, resources and
services are available for partner organisations. We work with Integrated
Care Systems, Arm’s Length Bodies, Trusts, CCGs, Primary Care, Social
Care, Government, Charities, Suppliers, Academia and education providers
offering leadership development and support.

Leading for System Change

Designed for Integrated Care Systems,
this 6-9 month intervention enables real change in the community and drives better outcomes for local populations.

Leading for System Change

Locally Commissioned Leadership Development Programmes

Most of our flagship leadership development programmes can be delivered and contextualised locally by organisations and systems.

We also tailor programmes to suit the needs of specific parts of the workforce, and have had significant success in supporting specific professions, or parts of the health and care system undergoing radical change in their area. Locally-delivered programmes will give your organisation a higher return on financial investment.

For more information on any of our offers for organisations and systems, or to discuss your needs and how we can meet them, contact our regional teams.

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