Organisations and systems are encouraged to provide a broad range of opportunities to develop and support staff based around the 70/20/10 model (70% experienced based, 20% feedback based and 10% formal learning). Variety of opportunity is fundamental to enable staff with different learning styles to maximise their potential.
It can be useful to reflect on your own organisational and system offers to understand the extent to which transitions to different roles are supported. Provision of stretch opportunities, secondments, shadowing, mentoring, and coaching can also help to enrich staff experience and support career development.
Access information and resources developed by local leadership academies to support effective coaching and mentoring practices.
Find out more about the NHS Leadership Academy programmes.
Regional Talent Boards
Regional Talent Boards (RTBs) are being established to understand and balance senior level ‘demand’ (vacancies) and ‘supply’ (people) and promote a ‘One NHS’ approach to gaining greater visibility of talent across the NHS at senior levels. Staff across provider organisations, systems and arms’ length bodies can self-nominate and participate in assessment processes to enter regional talent pools. Organisations and systems are being invited to help shape and contribute to approaches in their areas.
Find out more information about the Regional Talent Boards.